ICT dialler installation
CentOs 6 Apache 2 MySQL 5 PHP 5.3.3 ICTCore Kannel FreeSWITCH To install above requirements, first of all we need to install their respective repositories rpm -Uvh ' http://service.ictinnovations.com/repo/6/ict-release-6-2.noarch.rpm ' rpm -Uvh ' http://download.fedoraproject.org/pub/epel/6/i386/epel-release-6-8.noarch.rpm ' rpm -Uvh ' http://files.freeswitch.org/freeswitch-release-1-0.noarch.rpm ' Before proceeding further please disable selinux and to disable it permanently edit /etc/selinux/config file setenforce 0 3: ICTCore Installation ICTCore is main dependency of ICTDialer, if you have proper repositories pre installed (see above) then all other dependencies will be installed along with ICTCore. so we just need to issue following command yum -y install ictcore ictcore-voice ictcore-fax ictcore-sms --skip-broken 3.1 Setup ICTCore database To create database in mysql for ictcore issue following commands at mysql pr...