
Showing posts from 2012

Windows 8 Revealed

Have a first look at windows 8 official launch.. Windows 8 Launch

Apple reveals most awaited smartphone : iPhone 5

After long time of waiting, Apple revealed iPhone 5, with great features. But failed in giving technological flow change. Like projector and virtual keyboard. (I was waiting for that). Well, Nokia has already launched wireless charging. Same enhanced features with 1080 HD clearity, with 8 megapixel camera and 4 inch ratina display. Head-phones are awesome with new design. Maps are good but I think GEO-Fencing is not included. Ya, wireless is fast (as they are showing), with LTE. Processor with A6 chip and iOS 6. It looks like, iPhone is 5th and everything is 6..(A6, iOS 6). Siri is ok, not great. Here is a look. 

Microsoft gets a new Look - new LOGO

               Just today, Microsoft revealed its new fantastic, still simple logo. The news is first came on Microsoft's official blog and step by step to social media like facebook page and others. Here is the video and blog links of new look of Microsoft. Its simple but fantastic. It represents all the new versions of Microsoft product like Windows 8, X Box, Office 2013, Microsoft Surface tablet etc. All new look of each software of Microsoft. Its looks like Microsoft has start the WAR. Microsoft LOGO tour...

Upload multiple files using AjaxFileUpload

Microsoft ASP.NET AjaxControlToolkit has recently published a multiple file upload. That allows you to upload multiple files at a time with Drag and drop user interface. First we will see, how to use AjaxFileUpload control in site. Open new project in Visual studio. I am using visual studio 2010. In default page, add script manager, Update panel. You can also add update progress (optional). For using AjaxFileUpload, you need to download latest AjaxControlToolkit from codeplex site. If you don't know how to add that to your visual studio then refer this link . Now you can see AjaxFileUpload in Ajax Toolkit. Add that to update panel and edit the code as below. <asp:AjaxFileUpload ID= "AjaxFileUpload1" runat= "server" AllowedFileTypes= "jpg,jpeg,png,gif" MaximumNumberOfFiles= "10" OnUploadComplete= "File_Upload" /> AllowedFileTypes : Defines which files are allowed to be uploaded MaximumNumberOfFi...

Few words about Mashup

In today’s web world, importance of APIs and web services are increasing exponentially. Same data should be accessed on any device seamlessly from android device to mainframe servers. These things become possible using web services. It may be possible that, web service may not complete some requirements of users. Mashup is combination or aggregation of two or more application’s information in a single place. A web service or application that combines data or presentation or functionality from two or more sources to create new services is called mashup. It should be created quickly. Types of mashups:- 1 . Enterprise mashups: Combines information or APIs of different department or different companies to visualize and analyze results more quickly and efficiently. Generally define applications that combine their own resources, application and data, with other external web services. They focus data into a single presentation and allow for collaborative action among busine...

Install NS2 (ns-2.35) in Ubuntu 11.10

Install Ubuntu 11.10 Download NS-2.35 ( ) Unzip or untar it to any folder (recommended is /home/ loginname) using the following commands one by one sudo apt-get update Using cd command go into appropriate folder, where the .gz file exists, and then execute below commands tar zxvf ns-allinone-2.35.tar.gz sudo apt-get install build-essential autoconf automake libxmu-dev cd ns-allinone-2.35 ./install Once installed the PATH information will be provided to you. So dont close the terminal after installation complete, because you dont get path again.) You will see some configuration in some last lines of completed installation as shown below. Please put /home/Shreeji/Desktop/NS-Installation/ns-allinone- 2.34/bin:/home/Shreeji/Desktop/NS-Installation/ns-allinone- 2.34/tcl8.4.18/unix:/home/Shreeji/Desktop/NS-Installation/ns-allinone...