Few words about Mashup

In today’s web world, importance of APIs and web services are increasing exponentially. Same data should be accessed on any device seamlessly from android device to mainframe servers. These things become possible using web services. It may be possible that, web service may not complete some requirements of users.

Mashup is combination or aggregation of two or more application’s information in a single place. A web service or application that combines data or presentation or functionality from two or more sources to create new services is called mashup. It should be created quickly.

Types of mashups:-

1. Enterprise mashups: Combines information or APIs of different department or different companies to visualize and analyze results more quickly and efficiently. Generally define applications that combine their own resources, application and data, with other external web services. They focus data into a single presentation and allow for collaborative action among businesses and developers. Enterprise mashups are secure, visually rich Web applications that expose actionable information from diverse internal and external information sources. For example, an agile development project requires collaboration between the developers and customer for defining and implementing the business requirements.

2. Consumer mashups: Combines different data in such a way that, the outcome of that will be useful to people. It creates a new and distinct web service that was not originally provided by either source. For example, Wikipediavision combines Google Map and a Wikipedia API. Insta-earth is mashup that provides instagram photos by location on map.

Mashups can be created using simple web interface. For easy integration of data, some mashup tools are available. A good definition for a mashup tool is a solution that allows developers to combine interesting data and then visualize that data through a web application. Some good mashup tools are wavemaker – an online application maker, yahoo pipes – drag and drop mashup creator.

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